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Great Start Collaborative      of Jackson County
Our Children, Our Community, Our Future

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  • Talking is Teaching

Check out our Talking is Teaching Jackson Facebook page! Make sure to look around Jackson for more Talking is Teaching displays on city buses and bus shelters!


Simple Activities to Build the Brain

  • While folding laundry, talk about the colors you see

  • While changing a baby's diaper, simply talk to the child about what you are doing

  • At bedtime, talk about the child’s favorite part of the day

  • Point out shapes you see at the grocery store

  • While walking into a store, count the number of steps it takes

  • Count the utensils while setting the table

  • Look outside and count the birds you see

  • Play “I spy with my little eye” while riding in the car

  • Go on a shape or color hunt. 

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Here are some quick things to ask and do with children that will get you all thinking and talking!

Talk, Read and Sing to children from birth and YOU will help build their brain. Just the simple act of talking and engaging with children makes a huge impact on children!

Great Start Collaborative of Jackson County     6700 Browns Lake Rd, Jackson, MI  49201

Jackson County Preschool Hotline: 517-768-5130

The materials are funded through a grant provided by the Michigan Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement, and Potential.

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